Why CyberZadi?
Why CyberZadi?
That was clear. At the beginning there is a question. Shouldn’t always be a question at the beginning? Another question!
So why CyberZadi ?
But that’s what it’s all about. To ask questions!
It should always be possible to ask questions. And you can hope to get good answers that will maybe raise more questions and maybe even answer some.
Sometimes there are no answers to questions. Then there are just opinions, assumptions or just information. That’s ok too 😉
My other websites represent other topics and other content. NTown is my video production, Lodomond is a comic idea I developed in 2022, on GadgetFlux you can find reviews and (sometimes) news about video equipment and oder technical gadgets and on Blast-a-Pine there are short films I created. With CyberZadi, I am creating a place that is about content that is not covered on my other websites and that engages, amuses, annoys or inspires me in one way or another. So it’s kind of personal project.
The idea of having a public source of information where, on the one hand, one can reasonably exchange information and, on the other hand, where I can talk selfishly about whatever comes to my mind, announce what is on my mind and share what I find worth sharing without having the fear that my data sold by a big media company. At least I have the feeling of having more control over it.
My hope (yes, I know, hope is a very rudimentary expectation) is that this “space” will also be an enrichment for others and not just my personal playground in which I act like a defiant toddler screaming and rolling around on the ground.
CyberZadi will be about things that (in my opinion) should make sense or (for me) don’t make sense and also allow criticism to prevail in order to make people aware of what can be done better or differently, more optimized, easier, more meaningful. Or the opposite of “simple”. What things should you pay attention to so that you can really judge topics sensibly or form an opinion that makes sense and is not just emotionally motivated. It is often necessary to distance yourself from emotions, step back calmly and think a little longer about situations, statements or topics in order to allow more complex thoughts to arise, because there are many factors that should be included in considerations.
This not only applies to the obvious “important” topics that concern us, hence me, but in principle all topics. From small to large. No topic can be too simple not to give it enough time to think about it and not geting away with with the first thought that comes up, so that it is out of your mind as quickly as possible and the thoughts are “free” of burdens again. Unfortunately, the backlash can be devastating when unprocessed thoughts bounce back in the subconscious and affect our daily lives without us even realizing it. So it’s primarily about making people aware of things. No more, no les. What draws attention to our minds and what is essential without me wanting to go into more detail here – that would be the subject of a separate article.
This includes not only the things that take place in one’s own bubble, but also what is happening in other consciousness bubbles. Without wanting to draw the empathy card now, I would like to suggest that it helps your own consciousness to see how other bubbles work and whether there are bubble compatibilities that you can address.
So in a nutshell: it’s about everything that on my mind – and that can sometimes be a lot. Anything funny, interesting, curious and probably some things that others are less interested in. And that’s life! 🙂
Have fun with CyberZadi